Remove roadblocks to medical care by nurse practitioners in Indiana

Remove roadblocks to medical care by nurse practitioners in Indiana

As a physician who provides health care to Hoosiers every day, it’s clear that our state is facing a mounting crisis of care. There simply aren’t enough physicians to meet the skyrocketing patient demand, and many of us are retiring. For years, I’ve worked with advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to provide patients with safe, high-quality care. It’s time for the state legislature to remove the legislative roadblocks that prevent patients from choosing APRNs as their health care providers.

Across our state, the physician shortage is having detrimental effects on Hoosiers’ health. Health care costs are up and health outcomes are down. We hear every day that patients are having difficulty scheduling appointments for routine care. The lack of prenatal care is driving up infant mortality rates across our state. Kids devastated by the pandemic can’t get the mental health care they need. The status quo isn’t cutting it anymore and policymakers need to make a change.